If you are wondering what to wear to class look no further! You can purchase everything you'll need for your classes through us. We partner with local business BELiEVE DESiGNS to make it as easy as possible for you to purchase uniform and dancewear. For our classes, we do have a uniform requirement. Please see below for details on what you should wear for class.
Ballet uniform

Prepratory & Primary
Kingfisher blue ballet leotard and skirt
Pink ballet socks
Pink ballet shoes with elastic
King ballet cardigan (optional)
Hair: Low neat ballet bun
No makeup

Grades 1-3
Kingfisher blue ballet leotard and skirt
Pink ballet tights
Pink ballet shoes with elastic
King ballet cardigan (optional)
Hair: Low neat ballet bun
No makeup

Grades 4+ (inc pointe)
Black floral leotard and skirt
Pink ballet tights
Pink ballet shoes with elastic
Pointe shoes (ability only)
Hair: Low neat ballet bun
Minimal Natural makeup
Tap uniform

Prepratory & Primary
Kingfisher blue leotard
Kingfisher blue skirt (optional)
White dance tights
Black tap shoes (elastic or laces)
Hair: Low neat ballet bun
No makeup

Grades 1+
Kingfisher blue ballet leotard
White tights
Black tap shoes
Hair: Low neat ballet bun
No makeup
Acro uniform
All Levels
Black unitard leotard OR
Limited edition Move It Acro green body suit.
Shorts with black or nude footless tights (optional)
Bare feet or foot undies.
Hair in a neat low bun
No jewellery
Modern, Contemporary & Lyrical

All Levels
Kingfisher blue or black leotard
Black legging (optional)
Footless tights (optional)
Black, nude jazz shoes or foot undies
Hair in a neat low bun
No jewellery
Freestyle, Theatre, Hip Hop, Cheer

All Levels
Move It T-Shirt or hoodie
Black legging or joggers
Jazz shoes or trainers
Hair tied up neatly out of the face
No jewellery
Members are able to purchase uniform directly through BELiEVE DESiGNS and collect at the Studio, customisations are also availible.
Password: moveit5678
Need Help?
If you would like more assistance regarding uniform and merchandise please click below. A member of our team will be more than happy to help.